Rabbi Aaron Bisno
Rabbi-in-Residence rabbi@calvarypgh.org

Aaron Bisno is our Rabbi-in-Residence. This voluntary position will be new for Calvary but Aaron is known to many of us from our relationship with Rodef Shalom, the oldest Jewish congregation in western Pennsylvania and our neighbors on Fifth Avenue.  

For the last eighteen years, Aaron has held the Frances F. and David R. Levin Senior Rabbinic Pulpit at Rodef Shalom. He will continue to be a part of that congregation teaching, writing, and being available to members. 

At Calvary, he will be among us to teach, preach, and develop new initiatives to put our faith in action. In the early stages, he is planning to offer classes to learn basic Hebrew, to delve into the Scriptures and help us get in touch with our Jewish roots, and to preach. 

He has plans to develop a speaker series, called Faith in Pittsburgh, to bring together diverse voices from differing religious traditions to bear on the questions of the day.

Aaron is a graduate of Washington University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion, where he was ordained in 1996 and received an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree in 2021 for his 25 years of rabbinic service.